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Connected Life


Encoding Change

Feminism, Design & Abusability

Julia Slupska (@jayslups), Oxford Internet Institute

Defeating Deceptive Designs: Co-creating the Future of Trusted Design

Kaushalya Gupta, Tech Policy Design Lab, World Wide Web Foundation (@webfoundation)

The Web Foundation’s Tech Policy Design Lab is a collaborative space for stakeholders across sectors to learn directly from those affected by technology so that we can work together constructively to redesign our digital spaces and make the web a better place for everyone.The Lab is a place where people’s experiences drive policy and product design, and where solutions take into account the full diversity of those who use digital tools. Our policy development approach is informed by design thinking and human-centered design. We are currently tackling deceptive designs or “dark patterns” by developing a portfolio of (UX/UI) design prototypes that tech platforms and companies can adopt or use as benchmarks to guide future product development that protect web users from deceptive practices. We are also developing policy frameworks such as legislative principles, standards, guidelines or codes of conduct that governments could adapt and adopt for their jurisdictions.